Friday, January 20, 2017

Let's Cook today



Chicken pieces. 

Soy sauce: 2 tbsp 

Chili sauce: 2 tbsp 

Vinegar: 2 tbsp 

Mustard paste: 2 tbsp 

Table salt: half tbsp 

Chili flakes: 2 tbsp 

Black pepper: half tsp 

Mix everything and apply on chicken pieces.


For Crust ingredients: 

All-purpose flour (maida): half cup 

Corn floor: full cup 

Baking powder (metha soda): half tsp 

Rice powder: 2 tbsp 

Chili flakes: 2 tbsp 

Black pepper: half tsp 

Table salt: half tbsp

Mix everything well.

Other ingredients:
Eggs : As per your need

Recipe: Apply crust very well on chicken pieces. Then dip it in beaten eggs and apply crust again. And deep fry it while the pot is covered. 

Note:  If you don't want it too spicy then use white pepper instead of chili flakes.

By: Talat