Saturday, September 10, 2016

Visit Swat

Swat is famous as Switzerland of Pakistan. Its a river valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of  Pakistan in Hindu Kush Range.
So we decided to visit Swat. We live in Hassan Abdal. Its a small city about 50km away from Capital of Pakistan Islamabad, at Peshawar road in Punjab. We packed our bags early morning and family of seventeen, cousins aunties and kids left in a van.

Panja Sahib & beyond ... by meemainseen, on Flickr
"Panja Sahib & beyond ..." (CC BY 2.0) by  meemainseen         Hassan Abdal

Its about 200 km journey in 4 to 5 hours. We took Karakoram Highway from in front of our house. And went on Peshawar Road. Passing Burhan a small town nearby I could remember a few years back when there were no highway bridge over  the railway track. And every time when train comes a man had to close the gatepost manually to stop the traffic. Which was causing a big traffic jam.

Traffic Ja. I n Denali by DenaliNPS, on Flickr

Yeah there were times when train was late or didn't want to move from in front of gatepost so you just had to had wait until gatepost opens again. Thanks for the bridge so no one has to stop and wait now. It was good view while passing from the Ghazi Barotha Canal which  is connected to Indus River and runs a hydro power project.

iMG_1674_b by G-Udin, on Flickr

After Attock Khurd there was an amazing confluence of the Indus River and Kabul River. Two rivers run together but green water of the Indus River doesn't mix with brown water of the Kabul River.

indus River by Hornik Photography, on Flickr

We were keep going along with Kabul river until Nowshera city. There is Kund Park on the way to Nowshera beside the high way. Its an animal theme park and its a good place for family outing. From Nowshera we took Nowshera-Mardan Road to Risalpur. And after passing Risalpur we reached Mardan on the same route. There is Pakistan Locomotive Factory in Risalpur. Where Railway engines (locomotives) are built.

Locomotive went hot. by Creation Sea, on Flickr

Islamabad-Peshawar Motor Way can also be used from Burhan to Shereen Kotay now. This route wasn't available back then. Everything went silently until we reached Mardan. After Mardan the road was under construction. It was hard for the van to move fast on about 2 km. Then we passed Takht Bhai, which is the place where our Big B Faisal who arranged this trip spent his childhood. On our way back from Swat we visited their old house. Everybody in the family who spent their childhood there was crying with emotion by remembering the childhood memories and the people who were no longer in this wold (RIP) and spent there time in that house together with them. Even some who hadn't been there before, were very emotional and even some were crying too. Takht Bhai is also an archaeological site.

Aerial Viewpoint by Umair Mohsin, on Flickr

Mountain area and cold breeze with beautiful views started from Dargai Malakand. Although it was hot summer time in our little city so we needed that kind of cold breeze. There was a place where road passed right through the mountain from a tunnel.

All the road went over the hills after that, a curvy mountain road full of great views of nature. After a while we saw Swat River, and kept going along with river on Bahrain Road along with mesmerizing landscapes. We went throw Mingora and reached Madyan. There were many dangerous looking chair lifts used as the transport for local people and also many tiny rope bridges over the river.

Hulpverlenin. I n Pakistan door de SHO by Giro555, on Flickr

After reaching Madyan we got our rooms booked in Rashid Hotel. There was a nice view of Swat River and Madyan Bridg in front of the hotel. But at night it was hard to sleep because of the noise of the fast flowing river. One of our kid cousin ate two prathas a rich fried flatbread before leaving home and he tied two of them along with his seat to eat in the way but in Madyan he was first to say ME on asking who is hurngry. Somebody said you've just eaten two prathas, he said oh come on don't lie. Me and my cousin used to challenge each other to shower with cold water in winter back home. We discussed together that it would be a real challenge if we play that here so first thing we have done in the hotel is to take shower with cold water. But we didn't feel it was a big challenge because water wasn't that cold as we expected it to be. Then later we went to chail stream to have a little swimming. Chail khwar starts from chail and joins up with Swat Rive in Madyan and it is a house of a lot of Trout Fish.

We prayed Jumma prayer in the Mosque right above the fast flowing river, and we ate Pathan special Kabli Plao. After coming back to our hotel me and my cousin decided to go to the top of the building. We took stairs and after reaching the roof I told him that we should go on top of water tank before he answered I was already climbing by the water pipes. Reaching at the top of the tank about 3m high I held the water air vent pipe of the tank to climb on roof top. While my cousin was watching standing on the roof under the tank, right then pipe broke and about 1m pipe length came in my hand. Thankfully there was another pipe similar to that one so I suddenly grabbed that. But unfortunately that pipe broke as well  and came in my hand. I fell straight to the floor on my back together with two pipes in my hand. My cousin was asking are you ok. But I couldn't speak it was hurting badly I couldn't even breath. I collected strength and started walking take huge steps. My cousin got worried but I felt ok after walking for awhile. Then we ran back and didn't tell anyone what happened but we kept secretly laughing at each other.
Next day we left for Kalam passing through Bahrain and several milky water falls. We went along  Swat River all the way until we reached our destination. There were many places where road goes very high from the river. On our way back we stopped on one of that steeps because my cousin was feeling motion sick we got him out of van for fresh air but he started vomiting sitting on the cliff and he was gonna fall in the river from the height right then I held him from his back. After awhile we got back on track when he was feeling a little well.
On reaching kalam first thing we did is to get a room and have rest. At evening we went to market walking throw the Suspension Bridge. That bridge sways even when people walk on it but cars run over it as well and its strong enough for that. Market is full of jewelry and antiques. No refrigerator needed for the cold drinks they keep them dipped in icy flowing river. Blocks of ice comes floating in the river. There were many traditional woven beds lying right in the middle of the river. Where you can sit have coffee or your meal. There was asphalt like substance at the entrance of every second shop in a pot to sell. That was actually shilajit (salajit) which comes from mountain crevasses which is rich in nutrients and minerals. They use it in many herbal medicines. There was a mosque where fresh stream water was always falling in the bathrooms. So me and my cousin challenged each other here too, and showered in cold water. But that was really cold, hitting our head hard while taking shower. It was really hard to shower in there but we both enjoyed it.
When we were in Madyan we went around the mountain walking at afternoon. When we reached a gap between the mountains some people told us that river water flows this way at evening and fills the gap so we ran leaving the place before evening. If you happen to go there make sure you don't get trapped in one of that places where water can come anytime with full force. And always walk in groups maybe local youngsters don't behave very well towards the tourists.

River Swat, Kalam by Farooq (Extremely busy ), on Flickr

Kondol Lake, Kalam by Farooq (Extremely busy ), on Flickr

Karakar by Farooq (Extremely busy ), on Flickr

SAM_0736 by JamalKan, on Flickr

We were large family with kids together with us that's why we couldn't visit many great places. But what we saw was wonderful. Kalam was most amazing place I've ever seen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a great information you share with us. Thanks for posting such a great post.
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